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《 Gespräche mit Kafaka 》


This is a gray note, recording much dialogue between Janouch (author) and Franz Kafka. Unlike Kafka's novels are gloomy, they are the light of modest, tolerate and guiding. The dialogue supported each other who are perplexed in the cold. The cover visual, with typeface, represents the author's memory of the thin and fortitude reliable Kafka.



這是一本灰色札記,記載許多亞努赫 (作者)與卡夫卡的對話。它們不像卡夫卡的小說一般晦暗,而是溫謙、包容且指引人心的一道光,支撐著寒風中迷惘的彼此。主視覺以文字的形態,表現作者對卡夫卡瘦削而堅毅可靠身影的記憶。


practice with a book : book cover


design : yuhua lee

Autumn 2014

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